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2️⃣Downloading The Software

This part of the documentation will help you download Swish Tools.

WINDOWS: How to download Swish Tools

STEP 1: Head over to the dashboard to access the latest download link.

STEP 2: Select the Desktop Windows Installation and download the downloader.

STEP 3: Execute the downloader to download Swish Tools (Should be a EXE file).

STEP 4: Open the executable application that was downloaded.

POSSIBLE STEP 4.5: If your Windows System give's you "Windows Protected your PC", Follow these steps:

STEP 5: Enjoy!

MAC OS: How to download Swish Tools

STEP 1: Head over to the dashboard to access the latest download link.

STEP 2: Select the Desktop MacOS Installation and download the downloader.

STEP 3: Execute the downloader to download Swish Tools (Should be a DMG file).

STEP 4: Drag the executable application that was downloaded to your applications folder:

STEP 5: Execute the application.

STEP 6: Once you open the application you should be faced with this error, click on Cancel.

STEP 7: Head over to your Security & Privacy tab, and execute Swish Tools by clicking on Open Anyway.

STEP 8: Enjoy!

Last updated