Converting (Export) & Importing Profiles
This section of the documentation treats about the Exporting & Importing Profiles.
What is exporting (converting profiles)? And why do I need that?
Well... We all know that this industry has multiple bots! Exporting will "convert" your profiles from the Swish Tools format to the Format of the bot you want to use the profiles with. All bots have different profile formats, meaning that we need to play around with the data so when you try importing your profiles into your bots it is compatible!
How To Export Profiles
Exporting profiles is super easy! Follow these steps:
STEP 2: Select the profiles you want to export.
STEP 3: Select the software/bot you want to export & convert your profiles to.
STEP 4: Click on Export.
STEP 5: Name your file & select where you want the file to be located in your device.
How To Import Profiles
With the Swish Data Recognition engine, you can import from most bots! Here's how to:
STEP 2: Click & Select the file you want to import from.
STEP 3: Click on Create! Told you it was easy ;)
Last updated