
This section of the documentation treats about the Webhooks tab in the Doc.

What are Webhooks & Why do I need them?

Webhooks is a way for us to send information to you through different other apps, such as discord, about on going tasks status. As an example, we could send a success notification if you successfully managed to purchase a limited shoe! On the opposite, a failure webhook, would inform you of an error that happened while running tasks. Webhooks are not obligatory, but they can be helpful & add to the experience!

How to create a Discord Webhook

First of all, create yourself a discord server & a channel, then follow these steps:

STEP 1: Open a new browser tab and login in to your account at Discord.

STEP 2: Click the gear icon (Edit Channel) of the channel you want to post to.

STEP 3: Click Webhooks in the left menu.

STEP 4: Click the Create Webhook button.

STEP 5: Enter a Name of your choice.

STEP 6: Click the Copy button of the Webhook URL.

STEP 7: Click the Save button.

STEP 8: Paste the Webhook URL into the input in Swish Tools.

How to create a Slack Webhook

STEP 1: Create a new Slack app in the workspace where you want to post messages.

STEP 2: From the Features page, toggle Activate Incoming Webhooks on.

STEP 3: Click Add New Webhook to Workspace.

STEP 4: Pick a channel that the app will post to, then click Authorize.

STEP 5: Paste you Incoming Webhook URL into the input in Swish Tools.

Last updated